Five Reasons To Play the Board Game Everstone

Everstone is a board game coming to Crowdfunding in early 2024! It is all about exploring the world of Everstone to find relics and become the most legendary in the land. I have really been enjoying the development process of this game, and I wanted to take the time to share my top five reasons why you might find Everstone fun to play! (Keep in mind I’m the designer of the game, so my opinions are slightly biased)

All Five reasons I list today are not unique to just Everstone, but I believe they are presented in a different way than any game currently on the market.

Discovering Relics.

You will start by rolling three dice whenever you take a harvest action in the game. If you can ever have the dice match the top of the relic deck, you can immediately give up the resources you would gain to use that card. The decision to give up something you control for the possibility of discovering something better is always a great moment to work through in Everstone.

Interacting with other Settlers.

Every game of Everstone will include a different combination of settlers. Settlers represent the various actions you can take when you move into their location. The settlers are set up in a “conveyor belt” style system, so they are not always available to interact with at all times. This creates a tactical element of timing that causes you to evaluate the board state constantly.

Managing your storage.

The storage section of your player board is what allows you to collect and hold relics you gain through the course of the game. Until they are repaired (by paying their resource cost), they take up space, making the action they are stored under less effective. This causes a puzzle of where to store relics in your cart to not totally compromise efficiency.

Every Relic you repair Creates a Decision. 

Every Relic in the base game of Everstone has two effects to it. The first is a one-time effect that happens as soon as you repair the relic to working condition. The other is an upgrade bonus that can be used for the rest of the game. This decision space between cashing in for the immediate reward or waiting and slowly gaining continuous value from the relic is a simple but challenging decision to make.

A different board set-up for every play.

Drafting your starting relics at the beginning of the game makes your caravan feel unique right from the start. What relic to start with upgraded, which to get placed in your storage, and which to discard for its resources puts you in control of your destiny before even taking a turn. This also creates a unique cart setup for every game you play.

These are just five of the many reasons I could list that make Everstone great, but I’d rather have you get to experience it yourself! Join our discord community to get alerted for the ongoing playtests of the game. Playing now before the game goes to crowdfunding will allow you to impact the final product!

Everstone Discord

If playtesting prototypes of board games is less your speed, signing up for the newsletter to know when the project goes live might be a better idea. We only send out emails once a month to update the project's progress.

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I hope to hear from you soon!


Acts of Kindness


Lessons from Playtesting Everstone